Creating An Ancestor Altar

May 07 , 2024

Vanessa LeMaistre

Creating An Ancestor Altar

Okay so you’re hearing all of this talk about “connecting with your ancestors,” or “ancestor healing.” And you’re starting to get curious about how to connect with your ancestors. Well the good news is, it’s not hard at all and anyone can do it. In fact, I would advise every single human to do this. We are literally the living flesh and byproducts of our ancestors. Also, a part of our responsibility to being born as their derivative is to do our healing. All of us are carrying things from our ancestors where we need to heal things they experienced.


Not only will you and your future generations reap the benefits of connecting with them and healing through generational trauma, but they will support you and your life when you start connect with them. When you lift them up, they hear you and they too will lift you up even more.

The first thing I would recommend is know why you want to connect with them. Is it because you are hearing about others connecting with theirs and it sounds cool or do you genuinely want to know what it would be like to be connected with them on the other side?


This leads me to my next point- go to them humbly and with reverence. No one wants to be disrespected, and neither do they. Plus, they are here to help. Understand that you too will one day be an ancestor, so always treat them how you would like to be treated.


Venerating your ancestors, pouring libations for your ancestors, or even calling out to them is a powerful and sacred practice.


Once you call on them, they will be there. Even when you don’t call on them, they will be there. But from what I have experienced, when you honor them, they are far more present in your life.


They will advocate for you, protect you, guide your steps and ensure that you do what you came into this life to do successfully.


All this love and praise you’re giving them, they will then start to show you how to love and praise yourself. It is a reciprocating relationship, even with energy.


Okay so how to get started? It is really simple!

· Call in only those ancestors of yours that are for you, are of the light and want to see you win. Anyone else does not need to be welcomed into your space. Known and unknown.

· Create a table or an altar space for them.

· Give them a clean glass of water. You can replenish this glass once a day or at least once a week. In my Haitian culture we do this on Monday as a day to really give our offerings to our ancestors.

· You can add photos of those who have passed in your family that you know have love for you. (Never put a living person’s photo on your ancestor altar.

· You can light a white candle in honor of them. Make this a ritual. Activate the candle, speak to it, charge it with your intentions and work with the white candle as an object to lift them up, to send light to them, and to honor them.

· Talk to them at your altar every single morning and at night before you go to sleep. (It doesn’t have to be long, simply acknowledge them the best way you know how.)

· Lastly, if you don’t have any issues with insects or rodents, you can offer them a little bit of food/ coffee.

Treat them how you would like to be treated if you are on the other side. This means not rushing through the process and bringing your true self to them with reverence. Even if you do not spend much time at your ancestor altar speaking to them, always respect them.


You can also have a journal where you may have certain questions you are wanting guidance one and you can communicate with them. You can start by asking a question and then wait for an answer to come and write down their answer. Don’t think about it too much, just do it.


You may be pleasantly surprised at how much direct guidance you can receive from them. After all, they want the best for you and your path.

Lastly, I will say if you are seriously considering honoring your ancestors with an altar, make sure you are serious about this commitment. Don’t just do it and try it whenever you feel like it and ignore them for months on end and then hit them up when something crazy happens in your life. No one likes to get thrown away and then hit up later like it’s all good. Treat them how you would like to be treated.


Enjoy your ancestor altar and all of the sacred power this comes with. Enjoy your ancestors. You are them and they are you. Xo